Shine in High-Stakes Meetings - Master Executive Communication

Season #1

Show Notes

  • Understanding business context is crucial for effective communication with senior leaders
  • Tailoring your communication style for executive audiences is essential
  • Preparation and practice are key to improving executive communication skills
  • Body language and voice tone play significant roles in conveying confidence
  • Asking insightful questions can demonstrate engagement and business acumen

Notable Excerpts

"There's a great quote, "Successful people ask better questions." Asking good questions is great too, because we often just focus on delivering our part of the content, but the best leaders ask good questions, which allows them to get good answers. That needs to be built into our repertoire as well. " Gillian Fox

"Choose just one meeting that is important to you... and really focus. Do YOUR prep, do all the things to set yourself up for success and see how you progress." Gillian Fox

About Gillian Fox

Gillian has succeeded in her career, both as a senior executive and an entrepreneur. She is an author, keynote speaker and senior executive coach who also leads gender diversity programs for some of the largest organizations in Australia. In addition, she is the host of the Your Brilliant Career podcast.

Gillian is also the creator and leader of the Rise Accelerate and Rise Elite programs. Both publicly recognized women's career programs.  She works with incredible women and the results are amazing.

Links below.

Go Deeper Links

Gillian's programs: "Rise Accelerate" and "Rise Elite"

Gillian's podcast "Your Brilliant Career"

Connect with Gillian on Linkedin

Susan on Gillian's podcast

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Podcast produced* and original theme music by Megan Tuck

*Megan creates a listenable pod from a truly imperfectly created original containing my walking huffs & puffs, footfalls, background noises - birds, waves, cars, dogs, roosters and more. Thank heavens for Megan!