Gillian Fox on Unlocking Confidence and Accelerate Your Career

Season #1

Key Takeaways

  • Confidence for women in the workplace is about more than just feeling self-assured; it's about showcasing your business value
  • Developing strategic and financial acumen helps women feel more confident in their ability to contribute to the organization
  • The focus should shift from what women want to get from their work to what they are doing to help the company and themselves get ahead
  • Women need to actively demonstrate their value creation and communicate it effectively to senior leaders
  • Sponsorship cannot be imposed, but providing talented women the opportunity to showcase their thinking can lead to more sponsorship -
  • Senior leaders are interested in seeing how women can contribute to the business, not just their personal development

Strategies for Developing Business Acumen:

  • Understand the broader business landscape and how your work aligns with organizational priorities
  • Identify ways you are creating value and be prepared to articulate your contributions concisely
  • Complete "value creation" assignments that challenge you to present your ideas to senior leadership

Notable Quotes

"If women had the business, strategic and financial acumen, that would help them influence more effectively, they could be compelling presenting a business case, they can understand the numbers and participate in the right conversations." - Gillian Fox

"What is it that you are doing to help your company and yourself get ahead? Because if you're seen as an effective value creator, you will demonstrate your contribution and value more effectively, and it will help you progress your career." - Gillian Fox

"The point is, if you just have your head down and your tail up grinding out the work at your desk, you're missing out potentially on all the important conversations that are shaping the future of the business." - Gillian Fox

About Gillian Fox

Gillian has succeeded in her career, both as a senior executive and an entrepreneur. She is an author, keynote speaker and senior executive coach who also leads gender diversity programs for some of the largest organizations in Australia. In addition, she is the host of the Your Brilliant Career podcast.

Gillian is also the creator and leader of the Rise Accelerate and Rise Elite programs. Both publicly recognized women's career programs.  She works with incredible women and the results are amazing.

Links below.

Go Deeper Links

Gillian's programs: "Rise Accelerate" and "Rise Elite"

Gillian's podcast "Your Brilliant Career"

Connect with Gillian on Linkedin

Susan's TED Talk on The Missing 33%

Susan on Gillian's podcast

Ways Be Business Savvy Equips You for Success

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Podcast produced* and original theme music by Megan Tuck

*Megan creates a listenable pod from a truly imperfectly created original containing my walking huffs & puffs, footfalls, background noises - birds, waves, cars, dogs, roosters and more. Thank heavens for Megan!