Presenting to Higher Levels

Season #1

 "In order to be prepared to present at higher levels. It's important to realize that your work product means different things at different levels."

Susan L. Colantuono


Yesterday a woman told me that she got feedback about needing executive presence because she had to have all the answers when she went into a meeting to present. Now, that's patently ridiculous.

But here's how The Missing 33%, coupled with the knowledge about how leadership differs by levels, can help.

In order to be prepared to present at higher levels. It's important to realize that your work product means different things at different levels.

  • To you, it's evidence of a job well done and of the effort you put into it. Those two things don't matter to your boss.
  • To your boss. it's work product needed for him or her to be successful in the eyes of his or her boss. 
  • And if your work product ends up, as it did for this woman, being presented to the board of directors, their perspective on its significance is vastly different.

To understand that, it's important to understand through what lens of The Missing 33% they are looking.

Primarily, they'll be looking at the financial implications, so they're looking through the lens of financial acumen, and through the lens of strategic acumen because the connection of your project and its various iterations and manifestations must, in some way, support the organization's strategy or else they wouldn't invest in it.

That's this morning's musing as I walk along the beautiful shore in Rincon, Puerto Rico.

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Podcast produced and original theme music by Megan Tuck