The Transformative Power of Business Savvy

#bebusinesssavvy Jan 24, 2024

TL:DR - Watch my webinar "The One Key to Rule Them All" - to discover the ways that business savvy will ease your day-to-day work experience and career journey.

Business Savvy Transforms Women's Careers

Business, financial and strategic acumen will bring more ease into your day-to-day work experience and career development journey.

No matter our level of skill or achievement, as women we often wish we could:

  • Be more confident,

  • Demonstrate executive presence,

  • Hone a stronger leadership brand.

  • Do a better job self promoting

  • More comfortably speak up with authority

  • Get more value from our mentoring experiences

Do any of these resonate with you?

If so, in my FREE webinar replay I will explain why Business Savvy is the one key to unlock your path forward.

Here's a taste:

10 Billion Articles CAN Be Wrong!

The vast majority of the 10 billion pieces of content that drown women in a tsunami of career advice is never discussed in the context of business.

The given advice is like teaching someone to ride without ever, putting them on a horse or teaching someone to swim without, ever immersing them in the ocean.

Here are 3 examples:

Be More Confident

An internet search on "confidence advice for women" returns over 258K pieces of content. This is summarized by the search engine to include.


Now, I ask you, how does any of this help you build enduring confidence in the context of business - where a woman will get ahead on her proven and perceived leadership skills - including business, financial and strategic acumen?


What you really need is to develop confidence in business settings.

In other words, to build professional competence, business acumen, strategic acumen and financial acumen! Then you'll be equipped with an enduring foundation for confidence.


Enhance Your Leadership Brand

Here's what the summary is for, "leadership brand advice for women?"


Again, It absolutely FAILS you for 3 reasons:

  1. It makes no differentiation between a leadership brand and a personal brand.

  2. It says nothing about the door opener to advancement - being seen as a partner in the success of the business (which requires business savvy).

  3. The tips have nothing to do with leadership capabilities

How much better it is to become known as someone who uses her personal greatness to achieve and sustain extraordinary outcomes (through business, strategic and financial acumen) by engaging the greatness in others.

In this way you'll stand apart because you've built a strong leadership brand through business savvy.


Speak Up

At 3.8 BILLION returns, this is the "mother" of all the career advice to women. And what does it tell you?


Aside from the tip to prepare for meetings and presentations, the advice gives you nothing about which to speak up. Following advice like this puts you at risk for making a fool of yourself when you're speaking up in business settings.

Assuming you're professionally competent, how much better it is for you to take action knowing that, "To speak up comfortably, with authority and credibility, you need to develop your business, financial and strategic acumen."


I have conducted this analysis on the 15 most common pieces of career advice that are directed at women and found equally unhelpful guidance. I've also put these same questions to and ChatGPT with similarly disappointing results.


That's why I call Business Savvy "The One Key to Rule Them All" - which happens to be the title of my upcoming FREE Webinar.


What's a Woman To Do?

WATCH the replay of my webinar find out!


Catch you next time,


PS  If you know a woman who would benefit from this blog and the webinar, please forward this to her as a display of your support of and belief in her potential.

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