I'm All in for VP Harris: Let's Win This!
Jul 31, 2024
TLDR: Five reasons why I'm all in for VP Kamala Harris for President and a link to find outMUCH more about her.
Advance Warning: Political Blog
I am coming to you with a very short blog this morning to express my joy and excitement at the candidacy of VP Kamala Harris for president and to encourage all of you to enthusiastically support and vote for her - and whoever else she chooses to be on the ticket.
You might think I'm doing this because I think it's important to vote for a woman.
Well, I guess yes and no.
I'm doing this mostly because I am a woman. And, I support the causes that she champions.
I list a few here. Please do your own research.
- She is absolutely pro women's agency and equality. She has been the face Of the administration as it relates to women's reproductive rights and maternal health.
- She understands the care giving nature of most women's lives.
- She is passionate about uplifting the middle class.
- The policies of the Biden | Harris administration have made the United States economy the global leader, uplifting the economies of many other countries.
- And contrary to the Russian talking points promulgated by Tulsi Gabbard, Kamala Harris understands the need for and has concrete experience reforming the justice system.
These are but five of dozens of reasons that I support her and know that she will be a much better President for women, our families, and the men who love us. If you want to learn more about VP Kamala Harris, take a look at this Google doc created by Ohioan Rachel Coyle (@RachelCoyleOH on the platform formerly known as Twitter).
It's a comprehensive overview of Harris' experience and accomplishments.
I want to say one more thing. Harris will be subject to the worst racist and misogynistic attacks. Attacks that the other party will throw at her and mainstream media will amplify.
Don't fall for them.
As a matter of fact, whatever time you might otherwise have spent consuming mainstream media, I invite you to dedicate to volunteering for her campaign.
Catch you next time.
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