Single Most Important Way to Gain Respect While Disrupting the Status Quo
Sep 27, 2023
TL;DR: If you want to make change and earn respect as a leader while doing it, use your business acumen, financial acumen, strategic acumen (Business Savvy) to make a compelling business case for the change you're proposing.
It's as clear as day! You see changes that need making, but you've been once burned and now you're twice shy! You are unsure of how to disrupt the status quo and gain respect without being seen as "the noisy one."
That was a Question that came in on one of my Thursday Ask Me Anythings on Linked in. Here's how it went.
A. What an important question!
At first I wanted to say, "It's not possible." But then I thought about some stellar women who at different levels were able to earn respect and disrupt the status quo.
In these cases the status quo had to do with business operations, not organizational culture. In each and every case, they did it by making a compelling business case - which requires business acumen, financial acumen and strategic acumen. Which also are always a foundation for gaining respect in an organizational context.
As to not becoming "the noisy one" - that reputation can work for you if her if she can make a compelling business case and not be seen as making random noise. And, it's safe to say, she can't control how she's seen. So there are some who will see her as the "noisy one" in spite of her efforts to present ideas with a business case behind them.
Which brings me to my latest theme...women, by definition, are caught by double standards and double binds. The best we can do is be our best selves and remain UNCONQUERED in our core because we can't control others' perceptions of us.
Best of luck to your protege. She's very luck to have you in her corner! And if I can help in any other way, let me know.
Catch you next time,
PS Was this of value to you? Share the content with a colleague or friend so she can benefit as well.
#DoubleBinds #DoubleStandards #Change #BusinessCase
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